Our Top 5 Open Fire Tips

One of the first questions we get from our customers is "What's the best technique for building a fire in the kettle?"  If you commit these quick five tips to memory you'll be well on your way to a perfect kettle experience.

  1. Be sure the wood you are using is dry, meaning that it has come from a tree that has been cut for one year prior.  IF your wood is not dry, it will cause excessive smoke.
  2. A split log, not whole, burns better and is easier to light.
  3. Don’t stack wood too tightly, leave gaps for a better air flow.
  4. If you’re cooking over the fire, light it at least one hour prior to obtain a substantial bed of coals.
  5. Depending on the type of fire you’re looking for, smaller pieces of wood burn quicker and hotter and larger pieces burn slower and cooler.

Have more burning questions?  Send me an email at sales@seaislandforge.com and we'll be happy to email you our thoughts and suggestions!

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